Kiba - the most versatile hot wallet available

Hold all your keys, access any DApp, and most importantly... never miss an opportunity!

Don’t see your favorite coin here?

Why Kiba?

  • Non-Custodial

    • Secured by you
    • Keys do not leave your device
    • Multiple recovery options
    • Logs you into your DApps (no more passwords!)
  • Multi-Currency

    • Bitcoin
    • Ethereum
    • Polkadot
    • ... more to come!
  • Instant Alerts

    • Suspicious activity
    • Collateral imbalance
    • Upcoming DAO vote
    • Funds received
Download Kiba for free!

Introducing Personalized Alerts

For the first time, receive critical mobile alerts relating to your DApps without providing any personal information!
  • Sign-up for notifications

    Let your DApps notify you anonymously with time-sensitive alerts.
  • Receive notifications

    Notifications come to your mobile device, even if the DApp is strictly web-based.
  • Act quickly

    Respond immediately to time-sensitive issues, such as unexpected transactions or major market movements.
  • Manage notifications

    Control what kind of notifications you get, and when you get them.
  • A group of positive emoji
    We built Kiba for DApp users who want convenience without sacrificing privacy and security. Please give it a go and let us know what you think!

    Chinmay Patel

    CEO, Kiba

    ⚡ Ready to Get Started? ⚡

    Download Now - It's Free!
    Built on Unicorn Platform