Optimize user onboarding and engagement with Kiba

Add essential functionality to your DApp with our dead-simple SDK

How to Get Started

Quick Start

Get up and running fast with one of our common use cases


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General Use Cases

Additional Benefits

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    New User Onboarding

    Many would-be users abandon before they even get through sign-up. Kiba makes onboarding quick and easy, meaning you start your new relationship with surprise and delight right from the get-go.
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    User Authentication

    Kiba allows your users to log in easily with the same app they use to manage their crypto/tokens and their other DApps.
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    Client Demos

    Nothing kills the momentum of a demo like asking your client to flip between wallets. If your DApp supports more than one network, you can use Kiba to quickly and easily demonstrate your value prop without the interruption of opening a second wallet.
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    Advanced Analytics

    Measurement naturally leads to improvement. Track your progress at driving intent and action within your user base, and use those insights to improve your performance.
Emoji happy
Need other features, or a custom implementation?

Let us know, we'd be happy to help!

Built on Unicorn Platform